But how do you pay off a bet when your wife's the collateral?
I also enjoyed the cameo appearances and the cast as a whole, good chemistry between the actors.
But how do you pay off a bet when your wife's the collateral?
'The Bank,' 'Better Than Sex,' 'Looking for Alibrandi,' 'Lantana,' 'The Oyster Farmer,' 'Little Fish,' 'Japanese Story,' 'Chopper,' 'Romulus, My Father,' 'The Proposition,' 'Shine,' 'Wolf Creek,'....
Even if these movies are not usually on your watch list, give 'The Bet' the benefit of the doubt and I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised.
For a director's first feature, I take my hat off to Mark Lee and also to the writer/producer who for reasons previously stated in another post did an amazing job getting this movie to our screens.
I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed watching The Bet.
Well not according to Asia, who is so sure of her marriage, she makes a "Bet"with another woman to seduce her husband in the hopes of him not cheating on her.
If you enjoy movies along the lines of 'Wall Street,' 'Boiler Room' and ' Glengarry Glen Ross' and 'The Bank,' then I think you will enjoy 'The Bet' ('The Bet on Bet').
Will she win the bet is the real question?
It became a competition between the two as to who could get in more impressive shape, and as a result, the two become noticeably more muscular throughout the film.
Its a bet done by a wornout couple, that she can get a new fellow at the blink of an eye, and as you might guess, she does, and this is the story about the badger shes clung on to, and how to get rid of him.
everything is average here, the idea coldve been so much better developed.
: I bet there's hells bells when you go through the metal detector!
Chris, the lead character is likable and beth, the new girl at school he lusts over is absolutely gorgeous.
In the Arms of a Assassin, annesi tarafından güçlü bir uyuşturucu liderinin yanına götürülen on dört yaşındaki Saraiyi konu alıyor. Zamanla içinde bulunduğu korkunç duruma alışır ancak özgürlüğüne yeniden kavuşma umudunu kaybetmez.
The transition between countries and languages is flawless.
Ancak Dink ile Beth’in yakınlaşmasından şüphelenen Dink’in karısı Tulip (Catherine Zeta-Jones) geç kalmadan araya girer. Dink’ten ayrılan Beth, New York’ta yasal olmayan işler yürüten Rosie'nin ekibine katılır.
There is better stuff out there.
- Lay The Favorite" ,="" bruce="" willis,="" rebecca="" hall,="" catherie="" zeta-jones="" ve="" joshua ="" jackson'ın="" başrolleri="" paylaştıkları="" eğlenceli="" bir="" komedi.="" dink="" (bruce="" willis),="" dünyanın="" kumar="" başkenti ="" las="" vegas’ın="" en="" başarılı="" kumarbazlarından="" biridir.="" iflah="" olmaz="" bir="" hayalperest="" olan="" şans="" meleği="" beth ="" (rebecca="" hall),="" rüyalarının="" peşinden="" vegas’a="" gelir="" ve="" dink="" için="" çalışmaya="" başlar.="" ancak="" dink="" ile="" beth’in ="" yakınlaşmasından="" şüphelenen="" dink’in="" karısı="" tulip="" (catherine="" zeta-jones)="" geç="" kalmadan="" araya="" girer. ="" dink’ten="" ayrılan="" beth,="" new="" york’ta="" yasal="" olmayan="" işler="" yürüten="" rosie'nin="" ekibine="" katılır.="" kumarın ="" karanlık="" yüzü="" nedeniyle="" masum="" erkek="" arkadaşı="" (joshua="" jackson)="" hapse="" girme="" tehlikesiyle="" karşı="" karşıya ="" kalınca="" beth,="" dink’le="" yeniden="" güçleri="" birleştirip,="" tulip’le="" yüzleşmek="" ve="" riskleri="" göze="" almak="" zorunda ="" kalır.="" beth,="" arapsaçına="" dönen="" işleri="" yoluna="" koymayı="" başarabilecek="" midir?"="">
Lionheart - Kazanan Bahis (1990) İMDb 8.0
In this one, Wendy Barrie is Paula, who is chased around the country by Michael (Gene Raymond) on some wild, silly caper, because he made a bet with someone.
big bet imdb-【5679 bet】Không thể truy cập
IMDb indicates that submitted ratings are filtered and weighted in various ways to produce a that is displayed for each title. It states that filters are used to deter ; the methodology and details for how its ratings are calculated are confidential and not accessible to the public. In fact, it sometimes produces an extreme difference between the weighted average and the arithmetic mean.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Bet (TV Episode 2014)
That flaw is so over-used that it's a become a horrible trope.
I've read that many viewers did not like the ending, but this is what a good story ending is supposed to be like.
What else I liked:
What would have made it better:
It deserves all of the awards it's won and more.